Start a Business
Start a Business from a Car Boot you may ask? well they do say that one man’s junk is another man’s treasure and this time you might just find something! Nowadays the stuff or junk people throw away and the items than can be bought for a low price and then sold on eBay or any shopping channel online. The mark up on what you buy for and what you sell for could be well over 65%, and this means money and lots of it.
You could even find that one that one item, or the treasure that leads you to ‘The Antiques Roadshow’. “I bought it at a car boot sale for 10p,” you’ll say, and hear the magic response, “It’s 16th century, very rare and worth…ooh thousands.” Alternatively (and more likely) you could refurnish your home and replenish your wardrobe for a few pounds. Yes this is a little far fetched, but it is possible.
There are so many bargains to be found, especially if you arrive early and take a look around. The best deals are usually found at the beginning and end of the sale: the best quality stuff at the start and the best prices at the end. Figure out what you intend to buy before arriving because it’s easy to get carried away. We feel the best bit, and enjoyable bit is the haggling, but don’t be rude with your offer being too low. Remember the items are sold low to start with.
Start a Business UK
You could even look at car boots in a different way, Start a Business from a Car Boot – If you are thinking of going to sell at a car boot sale you need to be ready, have a think and choose whether you want to clear your clutter or make money: you can’t always do both. But either way clearing out and also making some money is always great too, go with friends or family for a bit of a banter too. Just remember everyone likes to haggle, so get your items priced up or have a list ready – don’t get caught out by selling too cheap. Bring plenty of change, a few bags, newspapers and write clearly on anything that isn’t for sale!
Even packing your table or stall last in your car, just so you have your table out first then the items stacked on top, and not the other way round for obvious reasons. Be warned though; on arrival at the sale ground you may be mobbed as a canny crowd descend upon you like a flock of vultures, or a pack of wolves! These people tend to be dealers and they can be intimidating.
When Starting a Business our top tips for a car boot is that remember a busy table is best, attract people or potential buyers your way and when do come by, say hello, be happy and very friendly and make them feel very welcome and hopefully they will buy from you. If you have anything left over at the end of the day, we suggest reducing the prices just to sell and so that you won’t have to load up the car and take loads home.
Just another way to make money and start something new in 2013, if you are considering Setting up a Business you may want to look at some of our other earlier posts too.