Business is often at the centre of political debate. Political parties will go to great lengths to put across their own – usually panacea – proposals to make doing business easier, cheaper and more attractive to home start ups and foreign investors. Talk can only go so far, though, and it is worth taking a moment to stand back as a business owner and ask what politics does for your business, and what it could do.
The obvious point that must be made, of course, is that no single political party or spokesman has all of the answers. Businesses thrive when taxes are lowered, but they struggle when infrastructure is inadequate. Clearly there is a balance to be struck, and the difference between one political party and another can often come down to as small a thing as who has been lobbying their politicians. Large business owners often put time and money into taking their cases to the political class, in the hope of helping to create a business environment in which their own businesses can thrive.
Political lobbying is something that even the smallest business can engage in, of course. A visit to your local MP, a letter to a local paper or choosing to support a particular candidate who is more starting a business friendly than others are all steps a business can take to make sure that politics is working for their business.
Naturally, different businesses would like to see different changes to the law, so there is actually a lot of potential competition between businesses in the political field. Politicians need votes, though, so the more business owners that engage with the process, the more businesses will be at the heart of politics and politicians’ decisions.