Write Website Content that is Relevant to your Website or Blog
When writing your website content for your blog, it is very important to be consistent in what you write. This doesn’t mean you can’t, on some occasions write something that doesn’t exactly relate to your theme or story for your website, or have a website that encompasses everything, but it does mean you need to think and consider being consistent in what you insert online most of the time.
Keeping your blog content consistent content means keeping with the same theme for your entire web space. For example for this blog website, I am purely focusing on things that have to do with helping people in setting up a business and showing how to succeed online. For us we believe in giving, guiding and helping people start up a new business and helping them improve, we also believe in finding others businesses out there that can also help improve, and we would direct them to there.
Shall I just start talking about Dog Beds and Walking my Dog….No!
Web Design companies say… What it doesn’t really mean is that I suddenly start writing about pet products for your dog or cat, their accessories and where to have a wonderful walk with you dog! Although we have helped a lovely little dog business recently. The reason why we wouldn’t keep talking about dogs is because that is not consistent content, and we are a all about business in this website. Plus it may also hurt our rankings and put off our current readers, they may even not come back. You have to think about who your reader is, keep it sustainable, new and fresh, this in turn will also help your rankings too.
How can I write something within a business them, but about something not relevant?
So you may ask how can I write about something different to add to my website, without completely ruining the style of the content. Think about every day life and where you have been, for example you may go to the local butchers and get some meat, but you can’t really write about the meat. But what you can do to keep it in the business theme is to ask the business owner how he started, his pressures and what motivates him. This is then directly talking all about this local company, telling your readers (Or ours) all about your findings, every start up has to start somewhere even a butcher, you may even find it very interesting in telling his or her story.
Thanks for reading, and until next time………….